Saturday, October 26, 2019

Granite and Marble Process

My dad owns a business in Granite and Marble in which I used to work for and have gained some experience on the process. Although most of the materials we work with is granite or marble we also work with other materials such as quartz, quartzite, onyx, etc. The first step in the process is for the customer to choose the material they want and then it is delivered to our shop. The material is usually delivered in slab form and the size varies depending on the material but the average size is about 120x60 inches. We then use a forklift with a clamp to get the slab on the cutting table where it is cut into the measurements of the clients needs. We usually install the material on kitchens, bathrooms, shower walls, and wherever the customer wants it installed.

The Second step after cutting the material into the correct measurements is the fabrication process. This process is too long to explain but in short it is the process in which we make the material look pretty

The last step is of course the installation process. This process is actually the fastest out of all the processes although many customers think it is the longest. The only reason why you should take several days to install is if the job includes installing several counter tops but if it is just a kitchen it shouldn't take more than a day.

Some of our previous work below:


  1. Thank you for the quick overview of the granite and marble process :-) Measure twice, cut once ^_^

  2. I have always wondered the difficulty of doing this stuff and how long it takes.

  3. That is every interesting how different job is processes.

  4. Wow amazing kitchens the counters really make them pop.

  5. My aunt owns a business to but it's a catering business for tours.

  6. That's really cool. Rose quartz would probably make a really pretty counter.

  7. that's crazy cause I just seen a video about this.
