Saturday, November 2, 2019

Culinary Arts

In high school I attended a magnet school which offered career specialized courses such as construction engineering, culinary arts, Biomedical sciences, etc. I chose culinary arts and had the opportunity to learn about cooking and baking. Some of my favorite things I learned to make and got to eat were log cake, coxihnas(Brazilian food), and baked mac and cheese with bread crumbs. I took these courses and learned a very good life skill. I also learned about things such as food safety, food costs, customer service, etc. To this day I still use these skills to cook and bake for my family and myself when I get the chance.


  1. My cooking skills consist of boiling water and set the oven. Glad you have culinary skills :-)

  2. I took a home economics and lets just say... I'm no honey homemaker lol. That Baked Mac tho!!! sounds like life.

  3. I took cooking lesson for Mexican mom. She always said to us (you need to learn to cook if you get married and she don't know to cook you don't go hungry).

  4. I have always wanted to take a cooking class!

  5. Took culinary back in high school, best class ever because we ate what we cooked!

  6. Never took any cooking classes but I can throw down in the kitchen.

  7. Knowing how to cook is a great quality

  8. Very nice! I'd love to take a CSN cooking course soon.

  9. Real good to know how to cook, best way to impress a female!
