Saturday, November 16, 2019

Today's Class

Class today was a little crazy since we had to take the 2 bonus quiz and I had  to present my power point presentation. I also struggled with one of the excel projects but luckily with the help of professor Wu I was able to complete all the projects. Now all I want to do to take the exam is use Gmettrix for the practice Exams. I hope I pass the on the first attempt.


  1. Good job on finishing all the Excel projects and showing us your culinary accomplishments :-) You will pass the MOS Excel Exam ^_^

  2. I'm with you on that one wish I pass too.

  3. Good Luck those practice test can make the difference.

  4. Shoot I did like your presentation though!

  5. I totally failed the Word, but the Excel was much easier. I had to fix some of my projects and once I figured out what I did wrong I went and took it and passed. You got this !!

  6. The excel exam is much easier than the word in my opinion. Less ambiguity.
