Sunday, November 10, 2019

Band Class

When I was in middle school I didn't get the chance to choose my elective so I was put In band class. Little did I know that this class would be one of my favorites. As part of band class we had to pick out an instrument that we wanted to play. I really wanted to pick the trumpet but unfortunately they were limited so I instead went with the trombone. As time went on and I got pretty at playing the trombone I fell in love with the instrument. As a result of being in this class we also got the opportunity to participate in various competitions with one being in Anaheim, California. Sadly, we didn't win but we got to go to Disneyland and an aquarium that I can't recall the name of. After middle school I stopped playing the trombone but I've been searching the internet to possibly buy one and start playing again.


  1. Glad to hear you fell in love with an instrument you didn't initially choose :-) I hope you buy a trombone and start playing again ^_^

  2. I played the trombone for jazz band in high school and was easily my favorite class!

  3. My grandpa use to play the saxophone, guitar, and the piano. But sadly I didn't receive any of his musical talent.

  4. Same situation in middle school. I pick choir and got band. Picked the oboe and fell in love with it. Being in band also helped me as a singer, especially oboe helping strengthen my diaphragm.

  5. I played bass guitar in middle school.

  6. That is cool I always wish to learn how to play the guitar.

  7. I applaud you for being able to read music and play it. I love music, but I could never do that.

  8. When I was in middle school I played the clarinet but I really sucked at it!

  9. I played the violin! I was also thinking about picking it back up!

  10. Getting a piano this Christmas, I see where the passion for music comes!
