Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Academic Pursuit

This semester hasn't been the easiest in comparison to my previous ones but I am glad. With more demanding professors and courses I have learned how to manage my time and deal with personal problems that might come up. Its always sad to move on to new classes and professors but I've gained new experiences that will benefit me in the future. For example, In IS 101 I learned how to properly use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. As for my academic pursuit I plan on spending 2 more semesters at CSN to achieve my Associate of Business degree. I can't wait to continue my adventure as a college student. 


  1. Two more semesters to earn your Associate of Business degree, excellent! Very glad to hear you improved your skills in managing your time and deal with anything that may come up :-) Gaining new experiences in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are good too ^_^

  2. I am in the same boat with you on going on with the adventure! Lots more to get done as a student and we are gonna get through it!

  3. We all in the same situation making our goal and we can do it.

  4. I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty sad about leaving Professor Wu behind. I've never had a teacher more dedicated to his students success than him. Good Luck with you last 2 semesters !!!
